
Feb 1, 2023


Organized religion brings comfort to countless people around the world, but it’s at an exorbitant price. Millions of lives lost, boundless hatred and judgement harbored in the hearts of worshipers, all part of the package. When it comes to organized religion, it’s always Us vs. Them

Humanity will not experience any real change until we learn to worship and revere the animating spark within each of us, that inner essence that makes us who we are. Once we do, if we get there, we will change ourselves and the world in very profound ways.

Om or Aum: The most powerful Hindu symbol and mantra.

It is called atman by the Hindus; the knowledge that all living creatures have a soul, and that we are all part of the supreme soul.




delving through the depths of accessible worlds, both inner and outer with no particular destination or purpose other that nurturing the soul.