I believe in humanity when it is true to its nature. Our natural state is to be in communion with our souls. The "noise" of the Our world today can be overwhelming and destructive to the soul. Yet we can find our way through with stillness and self exploration. I sometimes write what comes from that place. I also call attention to the government oppression and corruption.

It has become apparent to me that modern governments are using a mix of technology and social engineering practices to impair our perceptions of reality and strip away our civil liberties. They instill fear and paranoia to manipulate us while their corrupt institutions pose as our only sanctuary and means of survival. Because we panic and run to them for cover, we become conditioned to foster and rely less and less on our own inner wisdom, strength and resilience. Instead we turn our collective will over to them allowing our own faculties to erode.

Awareness is the only way out of the sad state we're in. Not that it's THE fix, but it is the first step toward it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It should be abundantly clear by now that no good can come from placing our trust in government as it's currently constituted.

Personally, the insanity of the 2020s has turned out to be a gift of sorts. In my hopelessness and exasperation, I sought the nearest exit ramp from society. I knew only that I needed to escape the panic and clamor. To establish some distance between myself the insanity that gripped society. That solitude brought comfort, peace and a renewed perspective.

My life has been an amazing journey. I use this blog to write about past experiences and observations.

Medium member since January 2020
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delving through the depths of accessible worlds, both inner and outer with no particular destination or purpose other that nurturing the soul.